Our Cadet Forces Adult Volunteers (CFAV) are the backbone of our organisation, without them there would be no RAF Air Cadets! Whilst they don't do it for praise or recognition, it is always nice to get a thank you for the work they undertake, particularly when it comes from the big boss.
Sqn Ldr Gill Wills has been a Wing Staff Officer for a number of years and looks after Music, Duke of Edinburgh Awards, Road Marching, First Aid and Communications & Cyber. To assist in covering a period of sickness, she also took on the role of Sector Commander for 3 units , made all the more challenging during the COVID pandemic.
Yesterday she received a thank you note, recognising her efforts from Air Vice Marshall Warren James, Air Officer Commanding No 22 Training Group, the person responsible for the RAFAC within the RAF as well as all aspects of training, from selection and recruitment to trade training and flying training. A nice gesture to recognise the volunteer contributions in ensuring that RAFAC continues to deliver during some difficult times. Well Done Gill!
