Whether they walked, ran, or cycled the cadets and staff of 2160 Sleaford Sqn ATC have raised funds for the Lincs & Nottingham Air Ambulance, completing their part in a one hundred- and eleven-mile trek. Why 111 miles? That is the distance from Sleaford taking in all the RAF Stations in the county and back again, a fitting task for members of the Royal Air Force Cadets.
Each participant has been completing their part in the trek and recording their route and taking photographs to post on the squadron’s Facebook page. The event itself concluded Sunday evening fund raising total having reached £850 up to this point. “This has been a magnificent effort by all who took part. There have been some outstanding individual efforts amongst our personnel including 2 of our senior cadets completing the whole 111-mile target. Whether they completed 1 mile or 111 miles I am immensely proud of everyone who participated.”

Words: Wg Cdr S Hullott RAVR(T) Retd.
Photograph montage by Cpl Collier-Afifi.