1403 Squadron were asked by the Retford Branch of The Royal British Legion to help out at Blyth Services on the first weekend of the 2019 Poppy Appeal. Eight cadets were more than happy to volunteer their services for the task.
Cadets welcomed customers of the service area into the building which, on Saturday, was nice to see a smiling face when walking in from the rain. On Sunday the sun came to visit this late October day and the attitude of the cadets was just as bright.

Cadets spoke with many of those who donated toward the Poppy Appeal and comments were passed about how polite and helpful the cadets were and a little banter was exchanged with a group of RAF Regiment personnel who quickly visited.
The total raised over the two days by the cadets, thanks to the generosity of customers and staff at Moto Services, Blyth, was an incredible £1278.80 for The Poppy Appeal. Thank you all so very much.
We look forward to supporting this year's Poppy Appeal further in the lead up to Remembrance Day.

Photos and words by 1403 Retford Sqn.