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Four Cadet Forces Adult Volunteers from Trent Wing honoured with Air Officer Commanding 22 Group Commendations

Trent Wing MCO

Trent Wing are delighted to announce that four of our CFAV’s have been honoured with commendations from Air Officer Commanding 22 Group, Air Vice Marshall Ian Townsend.


Warrant Officer Mark Saxby

WO Saxby joined the Air Training Corps in 1993 after serving as a member of the Auxiliary RAF Regiment, transitioning to becoming a Civilian Instructor for a short time and then returned to uniform as the Squadron Warrant Officer at 2292 (Market Rasen) Squadron and 204 (Lincoln) Squadron before becoming the current Trent Wing Warrant Officer, bringing up 30 years of service with the Royal Air Force Air Cadets.


Over the years, WO Saxby has been a constant at activities within Trent Wing, including events at Lincoln Cathedral and Castle as well as being involved in trips to the battlefields in Belgium and the Menin Gate. WO Saxby was also the WO Discipline at the Waddington Air Show from its inception in 1995 right until its closure in 2015.


WO Saxby has many other stand out roles within Trent Wing including being the Wing’s Deputy Fieldcraft Officer and also the Camp WO at the annual Trent Wing Camp.


Squadron Leader Michelle Worsnop

Sqn Ldr Worsnop joined the Air Training Corps in 1998 as a Civillian Instructor, shortly after taking her commission and over the next 16 years serving at Sherwood, Nottingham, Worksop and Mansfield Squadron moving wherever the Wing needed. In 2004, Sqn Ldr Worsnop joining the Wing Staff team as the Sports Officer.


Over the following 19 years, Sqn Ldr Worsnop diversified and developed the sports offering available to the Cadets within Trent Wing including: introducing a girls 5-a-side competition and also ensuring younger Cadets were able to compete at Wing Level as soon as possible.


In 2018, Sqn Ldr Worsnop also took on the role of Regional Sports Officer for Central and East Region taking responsibility for the provision of sports to 7000 Cadets across Six wings by being the person organising all of the inter-wing sports competitions.


Squadron Leader Gillian Wills

Sqn Ldr Wills joined the Air Training Corps in 1990 as a Cadet at 2222 (Brigg) Squadron, where she achieved the rank of Cadet Flight Sergeant before becoming a Civilian Instructor and then later taking her commission and becoming a Squadron Commander which saw the Squadron nominated twice for the top squadron within the Air Training Corps.


Sqn Ldr Wills has over the years held various Wing appointments such as Wing Bandmaster and Road Marching Team Manager where her Road Marching Team participated in several national and international events. She also holds many roles currently including Sector Commander for Lincolnshire North, Duke of Edinburgh Officer, First Aid Officer and Camp Commandant for the Annual Trent Wing Camp.


Under Sqn Ldr Wills leadership, the Wing is routinely in the top five Wing for Duke of Edinburgh Awards achieved across the Corps, building and leading a team that now routinely deliver enough courses to qualify 240 Staff and Cadets in Activity First Aid every year as well as running supplementary Youth First Aid courses where capacity allows.


Alongside all of this, Sqn Ldr Wills was able to develop clear sector working for her Squadrons during the return to activities after the Covid-19 pause – She personally implemented the actions needed to re-open Squadrons within the Sector and to ensure that all Squadrons where able to provide all areas of the Progressive Training Syllabus joined all of the Squadrons resources to deliver quality training to Cadets across the Sector.


Warrant Officer Geoff Lockwood

WO Lockwood joined the Air Training Corps in 2004 as a direct entrant Warrant Officer after serving in the British Army from 1969 gaining the rank of Warrant Officer before retiring after 22 years’ service. WO Lockwood has been at 331 (Chesterfield) Squadron for the last 19 years serving as their Drill Instructor and Duke of Edinburgh Award Officer.


WO Lockwood has ensured the highest level of Drill at his Squadron, coaching the Cadets to winning or placing highly in both the Drill and Banner Drill competitions at Trent Wing Field Day since his arrival and a five-year winning streak culminated in 2017 winning the Wing and Regional Drill competitions and gaining the best Drill Instructor award at Corps level.


WO Lockwood has another passion alongside Drill, which is the Duke of Edinburgh Award and he has overseen 300 Cadets achieve various levels of the award – WO Lockwood ensures there where possible his Silver and Gold expeditions are open to as many Cadets across the Wing as possible leading to Trent Wing being one of the top Wings in the Corps for the Duke of Edinburgh Awards.


WO Lockwood’s dedication doesn’t stop there, over the last 16 years he has taken over 4200 Cadets onto the climbing wall at RAF Digby, safely overseeing Cadets reaching new heights. Alongside this, WO Lockwood has been the driving force being 6 multi-squadron Winter Ski expeditions to the Alps, where over 200 Cadets have skied for the first time.


Speaking about the four commendations received within Trent Wing, Wg Cdr Daniel Withnall, Officer Commanding Trent Wing said “It is brilliant to see four of our long-standing volunteers recognised for the dedication and enthusiasm they have shown to deliver so many excellent experiences to Cadets over the years.


My congratulations go to all four of the recipients”.

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